Sunday, July 29, 2007

Lazy Sunday afternoons

Just finished a class of Cabernet Sauvignon, some cheese and crackers and a glimpse through two of my favorite (scrapbooking) magazines out on our lanai. It is cooler this evening because it is cloudy I lit a candle that my friend Cori bought for me and had some chill time. Hub and little guy were watching Discovery Channel and I was so excited to carve out a little time to decompress before the activity of our week begins again. Hope that where ever you are you are enjoying some time for yourself, chilling, and resting and re-charging on this Sunday evening. I'm off to finish my "gravy" (the word we use in my Italian family for home made spaghetti sauce), boil up some pasta and feed my family. There's nothing like the smell of an Italian home on a Sunday afternoon...


John said...

ahh...good Cab, a candle..cheese and're so right about making sure that we find the time to relax. Even better when it can happen on a Sunday afternoon. That always was and still is "family" day around here. Now cuz, I have to taste your gravy one day! Would love to know how it rates against Mama Nina, Mama Fran and Mama Maria's! come from solid Italian cooking stock, so I KNOW it's better than Mama Celeste's!!!

Unknown said...

so, i'm going to have some chill time the week before nc kids go back to school. maybe i can chill my way up to jville for an afternoon?

Cindy said...

Lelly, You are so cute! I think you think we are in NC but we are in J'ville FLA, girl! But come on down, if you dare!