Monday, July 2, 2007

So this is where we hang...

We are having too much fun in our new 'hood. We can swim at either the front pool or the back pool which has the two rocking water slides you see above. One of them is a tunnel-like slide that is so fast it takes my breath away! And I'm always afraid of getting a water-wedgie or loosing my bathing suit top (a scary, scary prospect for those who might catch a glimpse) on the tunnel one. Jack opts for the safety of the other one, as well, so it's usually our guests who brave the "tunnel of terror" as we have now named it. The pools are managed by the YMCA so they provide the lifeguards. There are some rules, which I'm okay with because I'm all about the rules when it comes to water, and the life guards swim-test every child who comes through the gates. Then, depending on how well you did on the test, they give you neck band to wear; green for complete access, yellow for partial access and red for must be with a parent at all times. That is the system that the life guards use to keep track of the kids when they are in the water. Love it. Love the safety aspect of managing such a large group of children whose parents may or may not be as responsible as they should be. You know the ones I'm talking about...the mom has like, three kids all under the age of five and she's sitting in a lounge chair reading the latest issue of Cosmo and talking on her cell phone while her kids are (potentially) drowning in the pool so you end up watching them because you don't want her kids to drown. And she's usually skinny and has had some sort of cosmetic surgery that allows her to lounge at the pool in a BIKINI (gasp!). Yeah, that makes me crazy. Hate her. So anyway, that's why I'm all about the rules at the pool. If you come visit, maybe we'll take you there! And maybe, just maybe, you'll be brave enough to take on the tunnel of terror. Once. We'll see...


Kim@The Polka Dot Press said...

Really, I cannot even show these photos to Addison because he will never leave us alone until he gets there....Not sure if either of us will be in for the Tunnel of Terror- can't stand enclosed places! So looking forward to hanging with you guys this weekend.

Jenn said...

I'm afraid to be seen in a bathing suit ... that would be true Terror for all involved. So Tunnel of Terror for me.

(BTW - that pool looks fabulous!)