Saturday, August 9, 2008

Three things that make me smile...

1. Jack on his boogie board! This was a first for him, he wasn't so "all about the water" until this year. His Dad taught him how to catch the waves before they broke and he was hooked. He spent a lot of time this summer on his boogie board.

2. Beach house baseball! Jack is really into baseball right now. We met a lovely family at the beach this summer who have a boy the same age as Jack. They became fast friends as they were into all of the same, boogie boarding, netting minnows at the lake, swimming, etc. They had a total blast together.

3. Kurt! And here he is: what a great kid. Everytime I see his picture it makes me smile. He was such a fun little boy. Total southern drawl and "Yes, Ma'm" everything. Cracked me up. Anyway, this is a family that we will definitely stay in touch with. (His Mom, Jamie, makes the best margaritas.) They don't live to far from us at home, so we may even hook up with them away from the beach, too.

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